OverDrive Collection

An abstract image of blue mounds and swells on a dark blue background with a text overlay reading what is OverDrive?

OverDrive is the leading digital reading platform for libraries and schools worldwide. OverDrive is a free service offered by Crockett Public Library that lets you borrow digital content (like ebooks and audiobooks) anytime, anywhere. Every OverDrive collection is slightly different because each library picks the digital content they want for their users. As a member of the Piney Woods Digital Consortium, Crockett Public Library is able to provide our patrons with a vast and diverse collection of digital content through OverDrive.

Ebooks and audiobooks can be downloaded for offline use or transferred to Kindle devices.

No late fees; all items automatically return to the Library’s collection on their due date.

All you need to get started with free digital content from Crockett Public Library is a library card number.

Find our OverDrive collection links below.